Po Politickin Radio
Blog Archive
Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Chaneblog: Not On The Same Page

Whats good yall, this blog is about getting a team in order to get things poppin and get that buzz generated. Right now , my team is only about five people who range from graphic artists to website and media owners. Only one of them besides me is an artist-who shall remain nameless right now, and myself. Another one is producer, Mannie the Don, check him on FB and myspace as well-www.myspace.com/manefestmusic.com.

I tried to take on other members but things didnt work out. It is important to have people pn yer team that are on the same page. When someones thinking outside of the box of the team, the focus isnt there in order to initiate business. Its better to have a smaller team than no team at all. Strength is in numbers by far but Attila the Hun was four feet tall and was a dictator as well. So it can be done if not better with a small number. As time goes on and business gets better, of course team members are taken whether it be for advertising, graphic design, or music , they will be carefully evaluated and whats best for the business at the time will get done. Just a word from the wise and I dont know it all. I learn something new everyday and thats a blessing. Lata!


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