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Wednesday, March 17, 2010

SoulStice- "Strange Kind Of Love" (Video)

New video from SoulStice, but rather then let me explain it, who better then SoulStice himself.

""Strange Kinda Love" is a song about universal love and tolerance. Since it was originally released, it's won 4 songwriting contests, including the Billboard World Song Contest. In it, I reflect on my experience as part of an interracial couple and recall that it wasn't long ago that my wife and I couldn't have gotten married in the US. Today's "free love" struggle centers around the LGBT community and same-sex marriage. I'm happy to report that since I wrote this song, 5 states and the District of Columbia now issue same-sex marriage licenses and 5 more provide equivalent spousal rights. We've got a long way to go, but we're moving in the right direction."


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