Po Politickin Radio
Blog Archive
Monday, March 15, 2010

Core DJs talk about lyricists not getting play in clubs, leaking Yung Joc record

In continuation of the topic of lyrical vs non-lyrical club hits, we start out with Tony Neal speaking on why he won't play a lyrical rapper's music in the club. Next, Tony Neal, DJ Impact, and The Big DM, talk about the origins of the Core DJs, the Core Retreat, the Core DJ satellite and syndicated radio shows, winning 15 awards at the SEA in Memphis, DJ Tools of the Trade, and Leaking the Yung Joc single, "Drip" last week.

These are excerpts of Core DJs CEO Tony Neal speaking to DJs about going outside their market for success, not giving up on a hit single, the deception of seeking platinum status and BDS, and he shares his theory on the 4 types of DJs. Very interesting perspectives...

Pyramidwest Media


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