Po Politickin Radio
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Wednesday, February 24, 2010

EPISODE #15 eternia & MoSS “AT LAST” – Road to Release Day (VIDEO)

In Episode #15, Eternia does the radio show rounds and announces on air to the world, "We Got a Record Deal!!" The Record Label remains a secret, however, as Eternia promotes the "AT LAST (We Got a Record Deal) JAM!" on Fri. Feb 26th @ Sputnik in BK!. A.G. (D.I.T.C.) & El Da Sensei (Artifacts) extend their congrats, and E gets open on the 'Exhibit C' track @ Beatminerz Radio w/ Crazy DJ Bazarro.

In the upcoming months, eternia will release steady video & audio leaks leading up to the highly anticipated release of eternia & MoSS's debut album, "AT LAST". Follow them as they announce their record deal, promote the album, and countdown to the release date. And you just never know what special guests may pop up... stay tuned!


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