Po Politickin Radio
Blog Archive
Friday, January 1, 2010

Stones: The 2009 Collection (Mixtape)

The District of Hip Hop (DOHH), Gallic Wars, and MusicOnPlay.net to put together a mixtape highlighting some of the best of BK rapper Stones' Freestyles, ReMixes, Songs and Interviews he did during 2009. This mixtape is called, "The 2009 Collection" and features 19 tracks. Check out #10 which is a interview Stones, pornstar Kelly Divine, and I did a while back.

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1. Conglemerate
2. Right Round
3. By your side
4. Click Click Boom
5. New York Minute
6. You Know My Steez
7. Ms Drama Freestyle
8. Systm Bumpn [Produced by Ex]
9. Run Wit It [Five feat Mysonne & Stones]
10. Kelly Divine (Pornstar) & Stones GW Radio Interview
11. Victory
12. Crime Wave
13. What's It Gonna Be [F.A.T. feat Stones]
14. Na na nana
15. Music on Play Interview
16. Hard When It Hit Da Truck [Produced by 80Grand]
17. If You Hate Me [Produced by Ex]
18. Brooklyn We Go Hard
19. Datz Hott Interview


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